Each Distance Energy Healing session is $300 CDN per session payable below.
A total of about 60 minutes of client time is required for the distance energy healing treatment. Find a quiet place to sit or lie down during this time or at bedtime if that is more convenient.
Beverly will speak with you prior to booking your first session. If this is your first private distance energy healing session, please fill out the required Client Intake Form and Consent Form by following the first button below. For Returning Visitors, you may skip to the pay now button on the right.
*While one session is available, true transformation unfolds over time. We recommend beginning with 5 sessions to fully experience the benefits of distance energy healing.*
Nothing on this site is intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. All information provided on this site is not intended as a substitute for regular medical care. The purpose of all information provided is to enhance one's quality of life. No information provided is to advice you to discontinue or to avoid medical or psychological consultations.